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Thursday, 13 April 2017
Local Dealer Expert
Posted in Garden Trader Blog, Hedge Trimmer, Buying guide
The drudge and physical effort of using hand shears is enough to put people off of having a hedge.
But there is nothing better than seeing a finely trimmed hedge around the garden or along the roadside; beats a boring fence anytime and there are so many hedges to choose from although privet or laurel appear to be the most common for domestic gardens.
Whatever type of hedge, there is a suitable mains electric, cordless battery or petrol driven hedgetrimmer available to take away the negative thoughts of getting down to giving the hedge it's twice a year trim and reaping the satisfaction of the pure natural beauty of this living habitat for our friendly animal coheres.
Mains Electric Hedgetrimmers
There are many makes of mains electric hedgetrimmers available, most are lightweight and designed for small runs of domestic garden hedges. Cutter blades can be single sided or double sided and lengths range from 45cm (17.7”) up to 65.4cm (25.7”) on the more powerful units with cutting tooth gaps from 16mm (.6”) up to 36mm (1.4”) on the more powerful models. Motors run from 420w up to 700w. Specialist Garden Machinery dealers stock the best models from the best brands so it is important to make sure you take advice as to the correct model to do your job. In this case it does not pay to go cheap!!
Cordless Battery Hedgetrimmers
Awkward, ungainly electric cables can be dangerous if accidently cut through; storing petrol and the noise and fumes petrol driven hedgetrimmers emit can be undesirable. A Cordless Battery hedgetrimmer doesn't suffer from any of these negatives, the freedom to move about anywhere, no smelly fuel to keep and safe operation makes the cordless alternative very attractive to those who struggle on with hand shears due to their dislike of mains electric and petrol.
Petrol Hedgetrimmers
Petrol hedgetrimmers have, for many years, been by far the most desirable cutting tool for long stretches of hedges. They come mainly with 2 stroke engines around the 22.5cc power range, mixing 2 stroke fuel has been a bone of contention for a long time but the advent of ready mix fuel has eliminated that obstacle making life much easier. There is a choice of single side or double sided blades with tooth gaps much wider than electric or cordless machines hence a petrol hedgetrimmer will cut through heavier duty branches of the hedge. Emission laws have determined that the noise, fumes, vibration must be of specific measurements thus making petrol models more comfortable to use than in the past.
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