Garden equipment and machinery are major targets for burglars both at home and on the allotment. In research by Tiger Sheds in 2019, it was revealed that there are over 22,500 instances of garden and shed burglary every year in the UK. The research also revealed that 17% of those surveyed made no effort to secure their shed.
The Met Police recommends you think like a thief in order to protect your equipment. Take a good look at your shed or outhouse and think how easy it would be to break in? Would anyone see you, would you have to break anything or would it be pretty easy?
Garden machinery has a high value so make sure you protect your investment. Here are our top 5 ways to keep your garden machinery safe:
Yes, it’s a simple one but if burglars don’t know that something is there then they are less likely to steal it! Don’t draw attention to your shed, think about putting it somewhere visible to you but away from the street. If your shed has a window then cover over any high value things you have in there. Don’t leave anything hand-held anywhere that can be seen by a passer-by or unattended for long periods of time.
A strong lock is very important for your shed or outhouse, but not something that comes with your average shed. Professional burglars will be well equipped to break locks but even amateurs can break a simple padlock. So, make sure you invest in the best fixtures and fittings you can afford and don’t forget to strengthen any doors with anti-tamper screws and better hinges.
Advancements in smart technology mean it’s easier than ever to monitor your property from your phone and be alerted to any movements. There are cheaper options though and a security light and a simple battery- operated alarm on the shed can act as a good deterrent.
If all else fails, having your name/ address etched into your equipment would stop it being able to be sold elsewhere and allows for greater tracking.
If burglars have still managed to get into your shed perhaps consider creating another barrier – is there a way to secure your equipment to the shed itself – perhaps you can chain it to the wall or to something heavy. It might well be a faff but it’s far easier than having to go through your insurance, buying new machinery or having to contact the police.