Mastering the art of gardening

Thursday, 14 May 2020 |
Posted in Garden Trader Blog, Gardening Advice

Mastering the art of gardening

Top 10 signs someone is a master of gardening:

1. They know what plants to plant at different times of the year
2. Their garden is always presentable
3. They know the names of different plants and trees
4. They grow their own fruit and veg
5. They give advice to others about gardening
6. They know when to water plants
7. They deadhead flowers
8. They know when the lawn needs a cut
9. They own lots of gardening tools
10. They spend lots of money on gardening tools, ornaments and furniture

Always having a presentable garden, owning lots of tools and knowing the names of different plants and trees are among the top signs you have mastered the art of gardening.

A study of 2,000 adults found 26 per cent of Brits rate themselves as ‘pretty good’ at gardening and 68 per cent are confident with using outdoor products including a lawn mower and trimmers.  
Giving green-fingered advice to others, knowing what plants to grow at different times of the year and spending lots of money on tools and garden furniture were also considered indicators of a good gardener.

But the study found the average adult won’t fully get the hang of gardening until the age of 44 – when they become house proud and want to keep up with the ‘Joneses’.  

More than a third were encouraged to spruce up their outdoor space when they became a homeowner and only really started making an effort to give it a go at the age of 31.

The research commissioned by garden tools manufacturer STIHL also found 16 per cent of adults wish they’d got into gardening at a younger age and a third are interested in learning more about it.  

Simon Hewitt, from STIHL, said: “Everyone gets into gardening at different stages of their life – whether it’s owning a house or wanting to take up a new hobby which motivates them.

“But from this research it is interesting to see what skills Brits consider a ‘master of gardening’ to have and how we judge another person’s gardening skills based on whether their garden is looked after.

“In these current times, even those who don’t own a huge outdoor space are still getting involved in gardening, whether it be looking after house plants or learning how to mow the lawn.

“STIHL’s cutting edge tools will help spruce up a garden in no time and can assist all level of gardener.”  

The study also found only 34 per cent of 18-24 year olds confidently know how often to mow the grass, compared to two thirds of over 55s.

And less than a fifth of younger adults can prepare soil, while more than double - 43 per cent - of over 55s can.

Similarly, 65 per cent of the older generation are confident in what tools to use for different tasks, compared to just a quarter of 18-24 year olds.

Despite this, seven in 10 adults own a lawn mower, while 45 per cent have a hedge trimmer and a fifth also possess a leaf blower.

Upkeep of a garden today includes a lot more than just mowing a lawn though, with 59 per cent of homes also having a patio area and a fifth include decking.

More than a quarter also feature a vegetable patch while one in five grow their own fruit and 64 per cent have potted plants.

But becoming a gardener isn’t without its failures and when it comes to mishaps, more than a third of adults are guilty of killing a houseplant.

Another four in 10 have overwatered their flowers and 16 per cent have cut the grass too short.  

And more than one in five adults admitted that until they moved out they relied on their parents to look after the outdoor space, with 46 per cent picking up their gardening skills from their mum and dad.

The study also found that in recent weeks during the lockdown, 23 per cent have done more gardening than ever before and two in five have used the time to tidy up their outdoor space.

Simon added: “Spring has always been the perfect time to get into the garden, but this year with the lock down enforced, taking refuge in the garden is more important and popular than ever.

“The beauty of gardening is that you don’t have to be a master to get involved and often you just need the right tools for the job.  

“STIHL has such a huge range of tools for any gardener. Including compact battery powered tools for those with smaller gardens or petrol models for those who are more experience, with perhaps a larger area to maintain.”


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