The past few months have seen our gardens take on every imaginable weather condition, from the storms and flooding to the high spring temperatures of the past few weeks. It’s no surprise then, that our lawns may be looking a little worse for wear.
Your lawn is the crowning glory of your garden. You may have worked hard on your borders over recent weeks and have an array of new plants growing. But, if you want to give your garden the finishing touch, then a healthy and well mown lawn is the answer.
It helps if your lawn is well aerated. Use your garden fork to add some holes across your lawn and if you have some sand it’s a good idea to fill the holes with it. This will help with drainage, if it is waterlogged and allow water to get to the roots if it looks like it’s running off, rather than soaking in. The holes should be about 10cm deep. As we get closer to summer, you should be watering your lawn regularly too. You might also consider feeding it with some fertiliser – a good time to do this is when there is rain due, so that it gets down to the roots.
The finishing touch to a lawn is its edge. No matter how straight your stripes are, if you don’t tidy up its edge then it won’t look like a finished job! Using a strimmer or shears, cut down the edge of your grass to the same length as the rest of your lawn. If the edge isn’t well defined then use your spade to create a smooth line between your lawn and borders. We promise it will make a big difference!
As the weather warms up, all sorts of nasties might be starting to pop up on your lawn. It’s best to get them out with a trowel as soon as you spot them, to avoid them getting any bigger and spreading. Dandelions and sorrel can be difficult to remove. By not allowing them to flower and produce seeds then you can avoid them coming back. You might also have moss growing – this can be removed using a spring-tine rake, if you have one. And you might also consider getting a weed and feed mix– it might send some of your lawn black in the short term but longer term it will make it look much healthier. Add some grass seed to fill in any gaps you have.
And of course, keep mowing! During spring this should be every couple of weeks and as we head into the height of summer this should be once a week.
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